Sand-Cycle applied in Switzerland

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Sand-Cycle now with API access port to optimize sand filter performance

Our Sand-Cycle remote RFID monitoring portal has now been extended with an API access. This allows our customers to integrate the Sand-Cycle output into any local control system.

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How does Sand-Cycle work?

Sand-Cycle has been developed as a powerful tool to improve performance of any type of continuous sand filters, to reduce operational costs ánd to make life easier in the day-to-day operations.

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Video Series BW Products

Interested in learning more Sand filters and curious about how our products work? As of today we have started to record a series of video explaining this. The first one is already online!

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Sand-Cycle receives positive feedback in Norwegian pilot research

Sand-cycle receives positive feedback of researchers that have used Sand-Cycle in their pilot testing with continuous sand filtration at WwTW Gardermoen in Norway. They are enthusiastic about the use of this tool and reported their positive feedback.

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International successes for Brightwork with Sand-Cycle monitoring

According to the Water Alliance, the Sand-Cycle monitor and control tool, based on RFID technology, developed by Brightwork and marketed by its sister company BW Products, shows to be a perfect fit for upgrading and optimizing operations of filter plants.

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Sand-Cycle wint Water Industry Award

In een druk bezochte bijeenkomst in Birmingham ontvingen Chris Heslegrave van Aquabio en Hans Wouters de Water Industry Achievement Award voor de meest innovatieve technologie van het jaar.

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